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Color Safe

Empowering designers with beautiful and accessible color palettes based on WCAG Guidelines of text and background contrast ratios

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About Color Safe

Color Safe is a website that aims to empower designers with beautiful and accessible color palettes that adhere to the WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) guidelines of text and background contrast ratios. The website provides an easy-to-use color palette generator that takes into account the specific needs of individuals with visual impairments.

One of the most important considerations when designing for accessibility is the contrast between text and background colors. This is especially important for individuals with visual impairments, as low contrast can make it difficult or impossible to read content on a website. The WCAG provides specific guidelines for text and background contrast ratios to ensure that content is readable by individuals with visual impairments.

Color Safe takes these guidelines into account when generating color palettes. Users can choose a primary color and the website will generate a range of complementary colors that meet the WCAG contrast ratio guidelines. The website also provides options to adjust the contrast ratio to meet specific needs, such as higher contrast for individuals with low vision.

In addition to providing accessible color palettes, Color Safe also offers a helpful feature for designers: the ability to preview how text will appear on different background colors. This is important because text can appear differently depending on the color behind it. By previewing text on different background colors, designers can ensure that their content is readable and accessible to all users.

Overall, Color Safe is a valuable tool for designers who want to create beautiful and accessible color palettes that meet WCAG guidelines. By taking into account the needs of individuals with visual impairments, Color Safe ensures that all users can enjoy and interact with the content on a website.

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