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Radius Design System

You may speed up your design system by using the opinionated collection of open-source tools and frameworks known as The Radius.

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About Radius Design System

You may speed up your design system by using the opinionated collection of open-source tools and frameworks known as The Radius. You are directed on how to construct a constraint-based system by the selection of tools, their composition, and a number of fundamental elements.

Radius is not a library; it is a seed project. With composition in mind, it was constructed. Any component, any piece of the stack, or new items can be added to it to extend it.

  • Figma is used to create and maintain the design kit. It has a reference architecture and a number of basic components.
  • The component library was created using Typescript, React, Styled System, and Styled Components and was bootstrapped using TSDX. It mirrors the Figma components.
  • Storybook serves as both the platform for documentation and the developer sandbox.
  • Visual regression tests are run by Chromatic, all other types of tests are run by CircleCI, and Storybook is built and deployed by Netlify as a static site.

Design Principles

A collection of ideas and philosophies that can guide their decision-making.

Show, Don’t Tell

Radius design system is created to support the way they operate, which involves getting hands-on rather than merely reading manuals. In order to do this, they make sure that Radius design system contains a ton of examples, illustrations, and other resources that new team members will require in order to build and contribute. The objective is to instill immediate confidence in everyone's capacity to complete the assignment.

It’s Not Complicated

A lightweight design system that they can use internally and that others can build upon is the aim of this project. In all facets of the design system, they are keeping things simple, providing room for interpretation, and adhering to the essentials. That entails focusing on the essentials and utilizing their well-earned domain knowledge.

It’s Gonna Change

Additionally, it must be changeable for the clients. This design system serves both us and the organizations that depend on us. They must design with their potential needs in mind and, whenever possible, avoid letting their biases show. To be useful to the largest possible audience, the design system should be adaptable and extensible.

It’s For Everybody

Any organization that could profit from the system should be able to use it, and they want the system to be universal. This means that all of the components should be simple to comprehend and targeted toward practitioners who are not experts but whose work might profit from an efficient design system, allowing them to concentrate on solving larger business challenges.

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