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VTEX Design System

VTEX Styleguide is the design system for VTEX, serving as the home for all reusable patterns, components, and assets related to product design.

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About VTEX Design System

VTEX Styleguide is the design system for VTEX, serving as the home for all reusable patterns, components, and assets related to product design. It is a common language and set of tools and processes used to facilitate collaboration and knowledge sharing across teams and projects.

One key feature of VTEX Styleguide is its plug-and-play nature, which allows teams to work more efficiently by addressing basic challenges. The system includes opinionated components with smart defaults to make it easy for developers to get started, and it allows for customization as needed.

VTEX Styleguide empowers teams to offer a baseline-level experience, even if they do not have dedicated designers or seasoned front-end developers. It promotes consistency, which has an impact beyond brand presence and enhances the sense of quality. By reusing interaction and visual patterns, VTEX Styleguide improves the user experience across VTEX products.

Finally, VTEX Styleguide is designed to be reusable, with the work put into its components multiplied by the number of projects that reuse them. This helps to reduce code redundancy and increase overall quality by providing well-tested, bullet-proof solutions. Overall, VTEX Styleguide is an important tool for promoting alignment and improving consistency across VTEX.

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