Ultima is a website that offers a free library of high-quality illustrations. The library contains over 750 illustrations, which are divided into 30 different packs.

Creating a Cohesive Visual Narrative in a Series of Illustrations
Learn how to create a cohesive visual narrative in a series of illustrations with this comprehensive guide. Discover the key elements to consider, including color palette, character design, composition, lighting, and style, and get practical tips and techniques to help you achieve your artistic vision.
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The use of symbolism in illustration to convey meaning
Illustration is a powerful medium for communicating ideas, emotions, and stories. One of the ways that illustrators can add depth and meaning to their work is by using symbolism.
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The use of humor in illustration to engage audiences
Humor is a powerful tool in illustration that can help to grab the audience's attention, convey complex ideas, and create an emotional connection between the viewer and the content.
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The influence of traditional art techniques on digital illustration
In recent years, digital illustration has become a popular medium for creating art. With the rise of digital tools and technology, it has...
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Illustration Trends in 2022: What's Trending, What's Out and Why It Matters
Recognizing what’s trending and what’s out helps you to stay ahead of the curve as an illustrator. In this post, you will discover trends in illustration that are continuing to grow in popularity and some that are on the decline.
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