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Pajamas Design System

These rules establish the requirements for maintaining a consistent brand image. The GitLab brand has developed into what it is today because to the cooperation of many contributors and iterative procedures, just like their product and business. It serves as a creative outlet for Gitlab's mission, vision, and core principles.

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About Pajamas Design System

These rules establish the requirements for maintaining a consistent brand image. The GitLab brand has developed into what it is today because to the cooperation of many contributors and iterative procedures, just like their product and business. It serves as a creative outlet for Gitlab's mission, vision, and core principles.

Everyone is welcome to contribute at GitLab, even when it comes to building their brand. The brand first became well-known in 2015 as a result of the community of GitLab as a whole. After GitLab went public in 2021, they closely examined every aspect of it and started a larger iteration to match their brand with the following stage of their development. With this creative revamp, they positioned the product at the core of their brand and improved each component so that it complemented the others perfectly.

Users of GitLab's product are propelled into the DevOps future. In order to achieve this goal, they created their brand to represent the simplicity, modernity, innovation, and efficiency of their all-in-one DevOps Platform.

Brand Principles

Their designs are motivated by four fundamental ideas that enable us to produce a wide range of graphics while maintaining a constant and unifying corporate identity. When developing, these brand principles should be evenly balanced and each function together to create a specific story because they embody the personality of the brand and are driven by the product.

Human : They are a business that puts the needs of its customers and the community first. They aim towards transparent, inclusive, and approachable designs that put these factors first.

Reliable : They uphold a steadfast brand image that underpins their reliability and reflects the efficacy and productivity for which their business and product are renowned.

Dynamic : They have paved the way with an extensive DevOps Platform and are risk-takers. They produce cutting-edge, multi-piece designs that combine to tell complex narratives.

Clear : They present intricate and difficult ideas in a concise manner. With a variety of audiences in mind, they strive create straightforward designs and messaging that is assured, tidy, and educational.

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