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The Chicago Design System is the public visual identity of the City of Chicago. It is an inclusive, equitable, cost saving system for City communication and for public use to show civic pride.

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About Chicago

The Chicago Design System includes a set of guidelines, principles, and components that help ensure a consistent and cohesive visual identity for the City of Chicago. This includes design elements such as typography, color, and iconography, as well as more practical considerations such as accessibility and usability.

One of the key features of the Chicago Design System is its focus on inclusivity and equity. The system was developed with the goal of making the City's communication and branding accessible to all members of the public, regardless of their background or abilities. This includes considerations such as using accessible color contrasts and providing clear and concise information.

Another key feature of the Chicago Design System is its cost-saving aspect. By providing a consistent and cohesive visual identity for the City, the design system helps to reduce the need for costly custom branding and communication materials. This can save both time and money for the City and its departments.

Overall, the Chicago Design System is an important tool for the City of Chicago, helping to ensure a consistent and inclusive visual identity that reflects the City's values and priorities.

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