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Elastic Design System

The Elastic UI (EUI) is a design library in use at Elastic to build internal products that need to share our aesthetics.

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About Elastic Design System

The engine that drives the Elastic Stack

Elastic uses the Elastic UI framework (EUI) to create internal products that must adhere to our aesthetic standards. It disseminates static assets and UI React components for usage in creating web layouts.

Every person able to access

Uses color-blind-safe palettes with strong contrast and has been tested with the majority of assistive technologies.

Composable and adaptable

Adaptable enough to preserve brand and low-level consistency while accommodating a wide range of contexts' needs.


EUI offers a solid foundation for incorporating accessibility into your apps. The offered components make an effort to adhere to WCAG 2.1 standards for semantics, keyboard functionality, color contrast, and other factors. A lot depends on how these elements are put together in the overall page layout to achieve accessibility goals. To design accessible apps, headings, landmarks, page titles, focus management, and accessible names all come together.

As vital as good code, appealing design, and smooth performance are, include accessibility in your app is crucial. It's also crucial to test as you go. Three perspectives can be used to approach accessibility testing: automatic, manual, and empathic thinking. Use manual tests to address more complex cases, automated tests to swiftly cover as much territory as feasible, and empathy to fill in the gaps.

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